Tagestraining 10.12.2013


4 reps on the minute for 10 minutes of Shoulder to Overhead
You have to Clean or Squat-Clean the first rep. Do not start from the rig


For max reps:
3 minutes Burpee Box-Jumps
3 minutes Break
2 minutes Burpee Box-Jumps
2 minutes Break
90 seconds Burpee Box-Jumps
90 seconds Break
60 seconds Burpee Box-Jumps
60 seconds Break
30 seconds Burpee Box-Jumps
30 seconds Break

CrossFit Journal: The Performance-Based Lifestyle Resource Leistungsstarke Geräte, die auf Leistung ausgelegt sind | Eleiko gym80 International GmbH Hammer Strength Suprfit.com Panatta Hyrox