Everything team of 2:
At 0:00: For time: 50 Power Snatches @70%
At 15:00: For time: 75 Pull Ups – 75 Push Ups – 75 Front Squats 35/25kg – 75 Hang Power Cleans 35/25kg – 75 Push Press 35/25kg – 75 Abmat Sit Ups – 75 Double Unders
At 45:00: For time: 200m Walking Lunges
A) Every 2 min for 10 min: 3 Paused Snatch (3 count pause @ knee)
B) Every 2 min for 10 min: 3 Paused Clean (3 count pause @ knee)
C) Team of 3: 5RFT: Partner A: Run 200m + 10 Shoulder to Overhead (60/40kg), Partner B: Rest, Partner C: Hollow/Arch Hold, switch when Partner A is done
D) “The Pump”: AMRAP 6: 10 Close Push Ups – 15 Biceps Curls (20/15kg)
A) Pistols practice. If you can do Pistols:
EMOM 12: Odd: 30sec Pistols, Even: 30 sec Hollow Hold/Rock
B) Team of 2: 14RFT: Run 200m – 15 Push Ups
Alternate so everybody does 7 rounds