Tagestraining 06.02.2017

  1. A) “Open WOD 12.5”: AMRAP 7: 3 Thruster 45/30kg – 3 C2B Pull Ups – 6 Thruster – 6 C2B PU – 9 Thruster – 9 C2B PU… and so on, increase by 3 each round
  2. B) Team of 2: AMRAP 20: Walk on Treadmill with 15 degree incline carrying a 14/9kg Medball

Strongfit: A) EMOM 12: Even: 3 Strict Press – Odd: 3 Weighted Pull Ups

  1. B) Team of 2: AMRAP 20: Walk on Treadmill with 15 degree incline carrying a 14/9kg Medball

CrossFit Journal: The Performance-Based Lifestyle Resource Leistungsstarke Geräte, die auf Leistung ausgelegt sind | Eleiko gym80 International GmbH Hammer Strength Suprfit.com Panatta Hyrox