Tagestraining 31.05.2021

Home Wod

A) Amrap 6 min
30 Jumping Jacks
5 Elbow to the Floor (each Side) 
10 Air Squats
30 sec Plank Jacks

B) 2 Sets :
40 Alternating Leg V-ups
30 Jumping Air Squats
100 Line Hops or Plate Hops 
30 Jumping Squats
40 Alternating Leg V-ups 
Rest 3min B/T Sets

C) 3 Rounds
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges 
10 Bird Dog (R/L)
1 min Wall Sit Hold


A) 12 min amrap of:
15 Dips
15 Single Arm DB Rows 
(15 left + 15 right)

B) 15 min amrap of:
2 DB Clean&Jerk 22,5/15kg 
2 Burpees
3 DB C&J
3 Burpees

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