Tagestraining 21.06.2022

AMRAP 15 minutes (Can you finish more than 1 round?)
25 Slam Balls
50 Cal Row or Bike
100 Overhead Squats Barbell M20Kg/W15kg
50 Box Jumps M24inch/W20inch
25 Slam Balls

3 rounds:
AMRAP 1min. of Bench Press with DB’s
AMRAP 1min. of Lat-rows
AMRAP 1min. of Push-Ups
AMRAP 1min. of Sled-Pull
1min. of REST

CrossFit Journal: The Performance-Based Lifestyle Resource Leistungsstarke Geräte, die auf Leistung ausgelegt sind | Eleiko gym80 International GmbH Hammer Strength Suprfit.com Panatta Hyrox