CrossFit, 29. April 2024

A) Lower Body Strength

Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (alternating legs every 90 seconds):
12 DB Bulgarian Split Squats @RPE8

B) Gymnastics

E4MOM x 4 (16 Min Total)
3-6 Strict Pull ups (if possible C2B and tempo 31X1)
6-9 Hand Release Push ups
12 Airsquats
12 Reverse Lunges
6-9 Hand Release Push ups
3-6 x Strict Pull ups (if possible C2B and tempo 31X1)
Remaining Time: Row/Bike/Ski/Run @ recovery pace

C) Accessory (optional)

4 Sets of:
12 Banded Pulling Rotations
30 M KB/DB Suitcase Carry / Side @tough load / 90 sec rest

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