Tagetraining 27.01.2017

  1. A) “Open WOD 13.4”: AMRAP 7: 3 Clean & Jerk 60/40kg – 3 Toes To Bar – 6 C&J – 6 T2B – 9 C&J – 9 T2B…. and so on. Increase by 3 reps each round
  2. B) “Open WOD 12.1”: AMRAP 7: Burpees
  3. C) Mobility

Endurance: AMRAP 7: Burpees – AMRAP 7: Row – AMRAP 7: Run with 10% Incline – AMRAP 7: 10 Wall Ball Shots – 20 Sit Ups (Rest 3 min between AMRAPs)

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