Tagestraining 24.05.2021

A) Technik: KB Snatches

B) Emom 12
200 m Run
20 Single Arm KB Thrusters 
(10 R / 10 L) 24/16kg)

Rest 5 min

C) Emom 12
12 Burpees
20 Single Arm KB Snatches 
(10 R / 10 L) 24/16kg)

A) Emom 16( 30 sec on / 30 sec off 
1) Side Plank Raises R 
2) Side Plank Raises L 
3) Reverse Plank
4) Up and Down Plank

B) For time:
Backpack Thrusters
Backpack Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

C) For time:
Buy in 50 Burpees
DB/KB Single Arm Hang Squat Cleans 
Tuck ups
Buy out 50 Burpees

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